General Terms and Conditions

For a wedding-related event

VENDOR (Garzon Plaza Kft. Title: 9024 Győr, Vasvári Pál utca 1/b. Tax number: 13995803-2-08 IBAN: HU91 10400401-00029566-00000008, SWIFT: OKHBHUHB Bank account number: 10400401-00029566-00000008 K&H Bank Zrt. undertakes, if the general contract is accepted, to sell the Földváry mansion (H-9153 Öttevény, Fő út. 173) to the ORGANISER sent to you, valid and in accordance with the ORGANISER on the basis of the price quotation accepted and ordered by the customer and paid on the invoice issued by the due date, on the date, with the contents and for the remuneration specified therein, the ORGANISER and undertakes to organise the event described in detail in Annex 1. 

Additional terms of the contract 

 THE VENDOR shall provide the services ordered from it to the highest professional standard throughout the duration of the event.  

VENDOR must prepare the organisation of the event in such a way that the services detailed in Annex 1, provided by itself or by a third party, can be fully provided. At the same time, the ORGANISER acknowledges that the services provided by the third party or the performance of the services are the responsibility of the VENDOR takes no responsibility. 

A VENDOR undertakes, if the ORGANISER pay the full castle rental fee, that no other events will be hosted during the event, thus ensuring the ORGANISER for the exclusivity of the Castle. At the same time the ORGANISER acknowledges that the castle is occupied by the owner, who usually stays there. 

VENDOR is obliged to ORGANISER about the process of organising the event on request CONTACT keep you informed. ORGANISER the right to know about the process of organising the event VENDOR request information, who may not refuse to provide it.  

If the ORGANISER wish to deviate from the details set out in Annex 1, you must notify the following no later than 30 days before the event VENDOR who may refuse the request for modification if the parties cannot agree on its remuneration or if it cannot be met for justifiable reasons. 

A ORGANISER must respect and enforce the rules of the house, protect the property and pay compensation for any damage caused within 8 days of being requested to do so. The castle's artefacts are provided with a QR code label with the sale price, which must be reimbursed in 100% in the event of damage. The sale price on the tag cannot be contested. 

A ORGANISER shall pay the deposit indicated in Annex 1 by bank transfer to VENDOR within 8 days of the receipt of the order and the receipt of the issued advance payment request, if you have not already done so, which is a condition for the contract to enter into force. 60 days prior to the date of the event, the customer shall pay against invoice the amount of the Part 1 performance, also indicated in Annex 1, which is 50% less the deposit of the line "Total budget for the event". ORGANISER and must notify the final number of participants, which may not exceed 160, in writing 14 days before the event to VENDOR by electronic means, on the basis of which the VENDOR shall be entitled to invoice the services detailed in Annex 1 in full, with the amount adjusted by the number of staff to ORGANISER for the ORGANISER must be paid by bank transfer within 8 days.  

The Customer acknowledges that if he does not fulfil his payment obligation by the deadline, the VENDOR is entitled to cancel the event without any moral or financial responsibility, subject to the legal consequences of the reservation. 

A ORGANISER is entitled to withdraw from this contract free of charge, with a unilateral declaration, no later than 60 calendar days prior to the event. In this case, the fee payable up to the VENDOR the fees paid to the VENDOR is obliged to ORGANISER to the customer within 8 days of delivery. The obligation to repay the Fee does not apply to items that have been VENDOR as an advance or deposit already paid to a third party. The parties agree that, within 60 days of the date of the event, the ORGANISER you can withdraw from the contract only with the consequence that you will immediately lose the amount paid in any way (deposit and any compensation in excess of it) 

Where ORGANISER gives unprofessional instructions to the VENDOR for, for this VENDOR is obliged to warn Him. A VENDOR refuse to comply with an instruction in any case where the instruction could lead to a threat to life and property, damage to reputation, or an unacceptable moral situation or otherwise create a situation of danger or harm. The parties agree that the event will continue until the drinks package has been delivered to the ORGANISER ordered. 

A VENDOR Any circumstances that prevent or jeopardise the time, place or holding of the event, shall be notified in writing without delay, at the latest within 2 days of becoming aware of the reason. WITH ADDRESS. 

Parties acknowledge that the confirmed order constitutes a contract and that they are obliged to act in mutual cooperation in order to fulfil this contract, and to communicate to the other party any facts that may prevent or hinder the conclusion of this agreement and the fulfilment of the obligations undertaken in the contract before the conclusion of the contract. A contract concluded by this or any other means may not be terminated by ordinary means. 

The Parties may process the personal data necessary to identify the natural person Contracting Party, the legal person Contracting Party's representatives, contact persons and other persons acting on behalf of the Contracting Party in connection with this contract (confirmed order) for the purposes of establishing this contract, determining its content, amending it, monitoring its performance, paying the fees and enforcing claims in connection with its performance and taking any further action necessary for this purpose. The Parties shall keep the personal data obtained during the creation and performance of this contract (confirmed order) and recorded in this contract (confirmed order) and in other related agreements, documents and forms between the Parties for 8 years after the termination of the contractual relationship pursuant to Article 169 of Act C of 2000 on Accounting. The personal data shall be processed by the Parties in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and shall not be disclosed to third parties, unless they are disclosed to a representative, legal representative, bodies entitled to settle disputes or to carry out official controls, authorities, courts, bailiffs acting on behalf of one of the Parties in connection with the performance of the contract. In the event of litigation or administrative checks, such persons (unless their processing is otherwise provided for by law) shall be entitled to process the data until the date on which the claim expires in order to recover the debt or to bring the dispute to a satisfactory conclusion. Members, managers, administrators and other employees of the persons entitled to process the data referred to in this point may have access to the data in connection with the purposes for which they are processed. The data subjects of personal data processing shall be entitled to the rights and freedoms of the data subject under Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information ("Infotv."), Chapters 13 and 15 to 17 of the GDPR, rights and remedies in relation to data processing. The signatories to this contract declare that by signing this contract they acknowledge the processing of their personal data recorded in this contract by the other Party in accordance with this clause and that they will in any case inform the persons concerned. Each Party is not obliged to inform the persons concerned of the processing carried out by the other Party separately, provided that it is carried out in accordance with this Clause.  

The contracting parties undertake to mutually comply with the legal and ethical requirements relating to data protection and confidentiality. 

In matters not covered by this Agreement, the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code shall prevail. The Parties shall apply the provisions of the Civil Code. In this context, they declare that this Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties on the subject matter, which supersedes all previous declarations, agreements and offers made by either Party on the same subject matter prior to the conclusion of the Agreement. 

The Parties agree that any notification or reporting obligations arising from the law, from this Agreement or from the principle of good faith mutual cooperation shall be fulfilled by the Parties only in writing, either (i) by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or (ii) by electronic mail, or (iii) by courier mail with receipt of the receipt. The notice shall take effect on the date of its receipt if it has been delivered to the persons indicated above.  

If a properly addressed and delivered notice is rejected by the recipient or returned by the postal or courier service with a "refused/not sought" or "unknown recipient" notice, the notice will be effective on the date of (i) rejection or (ii) return by the postal or courier service, or if this cannot be ascertained (iii) delivery to the sender. Receipt of an electronic communication is evidenced by a reply to it or if the addressee takes an action that could only have been taken with knowledge of the contents of the letter.