(under registration)

A Matusz Non-profit Foundation 2025 as a social objective, the Győr hospital's operating theatre departments, encouraging applications for specialist nursing training and improving the working conditions of nurses. 

In the operating theatre block of Győr Hospital, only half of the operating theatre can operate due to a shortage of nursing staff. Interestingly, it's not doctors or technicians who are missing, but operating theatre nurses and specialist nurses. Another problem is that the current staff includes a lot of pre-retired staff, so if they are also lost, the operation could be seriously compromised. 🙂

The Foundation will undertake the full renovation of at least 2 nurses' rest rooms and the launch of a nursing scholarship programme in 2025. 

If you have applied to a training institution For surgical assistant or anaesthesia assistant training and would like to receive funding from our Foundation for the duration of the training, for a maximum of 9 months, monthly net 100.000.- HUF to receive a scholarship, please fill in our application form and we will contact you. To be eligible for the scholarship, you must agree to pass the training exam and spend at least 3 years in the surgical department of Győr Hospital as a surgical assistant. Otherwise, you will have to repay the scholarship with interest.

3 scholarship students at the same time we support.

Please support the objectives of our foundation! Take part in this year's fundraising ball, the entire proceeds of which will be used to fund this fundraising objective!


The Matusz Non-Profit Foundation
articles of association

 The undersigned founder has decided to establish a foundation based on Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CLXXV of 2011 on the right of association, the public benefit status and the operation and support of non-governmental organisations.

  1. Name of founder(s), mother's name, place of residence (in the case of a legal person founder, the name, registered office, registration number, name of the representative, place of residence of the founder):

Matusz Asset Management Limited Liability Company

as trustee

9024 Győr, Vasvári Pál utca 1/b

Cg. 08-09-033852

Matusz Balázs Charles

Managing Director

9028 Győr, Sólyom utca 18.

  1. Name of the foundation: Matusz Non-profit Foundation
  1. The Foundation is located at 9153 Öttevény, Fő út 175.
  1. The address of the Foundation's website:       
  1. The founders' initial assets:

the initial assets made available by the founder      20.000.000.- Ft, that is twentymillion forint

cash provided in full by the founder and additional grants made to the Foundation

  1. The Foundation aims to:
  1. The general objective of the Foundation is to preserve the condition and quality of the Földváry Castle and to protect its cultural values.

Pursuant to Section 6 (b) of Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Shaping and Protection of the Built Environment, the building tasks of local governments include the human-friendly and aesthetic shaping of the built environment and the protection of the local architectural heritage.

  1. The secondary objective of the Foundation is to support community and social projects as defined by the Board of Trustees.
  1. The Foundation's activities:

The Foundation raises funds and organises events to achieve its objectives. 

  1. The nature of the foundation:

8.1./ The Foundation is open to any natural or legal person, domestic or foreign, who may join it at any time during its existence by making a contribution of any kind. The fact of joining does not qualify the person joining as a founder and he/she may not exercise any founder's rights. However, the affiliate shall have the right to propose to the Board of Trustees the use of its assets.

8.2./ The Foundation does not engage in direct political activities, is independent of political parties and does not provide financial support to them.

  1. Duration of the foundation:

         The Foundation was created by the founder for an indefinite period.

  1. Use of the Foundation's assets:

10.1./ The assets of the Foundation shall be used exclusively for the purposes stated in this Foundation Charter. The assets of the Foundation shall be managed by the Board of Trustees.

10.2./ The Foundation may use for its purposes the assets at the time of its establishment and the entire proceeds thereof, as well as the entire amount of the cash donation received to the Foundation's account after its establishment or the donation in kind.

10.3./ The Board of Trustees decides on the use of the Foundation's assets on the basis of individual applications for grants on the basis of an approved financial plan and decision.

10.4./ If the affiliated supporter has made provisions for the use of his/her financial contribution, the Board of Trustees shall ensure that these provisions are enforced.

  1. The Foundation's executive body:

11.1./ The founder appoints a Board of Trustees consisting of three natural persons to manage the Foundation's assets. The founder reserves the right to appoint the chairman of the board of trustees.

           The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is the current Managing Director of Matusz Vagyonkezelő Kft:

Matusz Balázs Charles

The other members of the Board of Trustees The current trustees of the Matusz Family Trust are:

Matusz Balázs Charles

Matusz Mrs Judit Erzsébet Potz

Matusz Patrik Balázs

           The scope and manner of exercising the right of representation of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees: general and independent.

11.2./ Appointment of members of the Board of Trustees indefinite for a limited period. The members of the Board of Trustees shall be appointed by the founder and shall take office upon his/her acceptance.

           Membership of the Board of Trustees shall cease:

  • the death of the member,
  • by resigning,
  • a § 3:22 (1), (4)-(6), and the Civil Code. 3:397. § (3), (4) and the Criminal Code. 61.§ 3.3.3, paragraph (4), paragraph (4) and paragraph (2) of the Civil Code,
  • the Civil Code. 3:398 § (2) of the Civil Code

11.3./ The Board of Trustees shall ensure the continuous realisation of the Foundation's objectives, and shall create the necessary means and conditions for this purpose. It decides on the acceptance or rejection of donations received by the Foundation.

The Board of Trustees exercises the rights of an employer over the employees of the Foundation.

11.4./ The Board of Trustees shall be convened at least once a year in writing and in a verifiable manner. The following shall be deemed to be written and verifiable means of service: e.g. by registered or certified mail, or by delivery to the member's electronic mail address with acknowledgement of receipt (electronic return receipt).

11.5./ The Board of Trustees shall make its decisions in public session. The meeting shall be convened by invitation by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The invitation shall state the name and address of the Foundation, the place and date of the meeting and the items on the agenda. The invitation shall be sent to the members of the Board of Trustees in a certified manner and in sufficient time to allow at least 8 days to elapse between receipt of the invitation and the date of the meeting of the Board of Trustees.

11.6./ A quorum of the Board of Trustees is constituted when at least two members are present. Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of association, its decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of votes in the presence of all three members and unanimously in the presence of two members.

The following may not vote on the decision,

  1. a) who is exempted from liability or responsibility or otherwise benefited from the decision at the expense of the legal person;
  2. b) with whom the Decision provides for a contract to be concluded;
  3. c) against whom proceedings should be brought on the basis of the decision;
  4. d) a relative of a person who is a founder of the foundation;
  5. e) who has a majority influence relationship with another organisation with an interest in the decision; or
  6. f) who otherwise has a personal interest in the decision.

11.7./ The members of the Board of Trustees shall not be remunerated, but they may claim reimbursement of their verified cash expenses and costs.

  1. Conflict of interest rules:

12.1./ An executive officer may be a person of legal age whose capacity to act has not been restricted to the extent necessary for the performance of his/her duties.

                          The chief executive officer shall perform his or her management duties personally.

A person who has been sentenced to a custodial sentence by a final judgment for an offence may not be a senior official until he or she has been exonerated from the adverse consequences of the criminal record.

A person who has been disqualified from holding such office shall not be a director. A person who has been disqualified from exercising an occupation by a final court decision may not, during the period of disqualification, be a managing director of a legal person exercising the activity specified in the decision.

A person who is subject to a sentence of disqualification from public office may not be a senior official (Penal Code. § 61 (2) (i)).

A person who has been disqualified from acting as an executive officer shall not be an executive officer for the period specified in the disqualification decision.

12.2./The beneficiary of the Foundation and his/her close relatives may not be members of the Board of Trustees.

The founder /exerciser of the founder's rights/ or his/her legal representative and close relatives may not constitute a majority of the Board of Trustees.

12.3./ No person who or whose close relative is exempted from liability or responsibility under the decision, or who receives any other benefit, or who is otherwise interested in the legal transaction to be entered into, may participate in the decision-making of the Board of Trustees.

The provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CLXXV of 2011 on the right of association, the status of public benefit and the operation and support of non-governmental organisations shall apply accordingly to matters not regulated in the articles of association.

Celt: Győr, 2024. year. December snow 20. on

Matusz Asset Management Limited Liability Company

as trustee

Matusz Balázs Charles

Managing Director

Drawn up and countersigned by Dr. Barna Bíró, attorney-at-law (9021 Győr Aradi vrt. 13. KASZ: 36057653) in Győr, on 20.12.2024: